Photos from my life#

Sometimes I get the question about my origins and me. I collected here some images from my life and described them.


I lived here until I was 19. According to the Turkish Statistics Institute the population grew from ~6 million in 1985 to ~16 million in 2023. I am used to discover new urban landscape every time I visit my family.

A view from Topkapı Palace to Bosporus – 2010 Sep

Another view to Bosporus from the old and tight streets – 2010 Sep

Hagia Sophia Mosque – 2010 Sep

A church built in the 6th century that was converted to a mosque after the Ottoman Empire conquered Istanbul in 1453.

Fish bread and pickle drink in Eminönü — 2010 Sep

A view from the shore of Ataköy – 2022 Feb

A view from Bahçelievler – 2022 Feb

My secondary school – İstanbul Erkek Lisesi – 2002 Jun

İstanbul Erkek Lisesi from inside – 2003 Mar

Atatürk’s picture, national anthem and student pledge – 2002 Oct

School gathering for the national anthem on a Friday – 2010 Sep

A view to Bosporus from a cafe – 2022 Oct

The Grand Bazaar – 2010 Sep

A street vendor selling fresh pomegranade juice – 2010 Sep

A stray cat – 2021 Jul


Sometimes I am not sure about whether something is Turkish. I can at least tell what I experienced in my family.

Breakfast with my parents and sister in our summer flat – 2021 Jul

A birthday party with my close relatives

Bike trip from Deggendorf to Cambridge#

I had to opportunity to participate in an English course in Cambridge in Aug 2021. It was towards the end of COVID, where I also had some unusual thoughts like others. Instead of flying I wanted to minimize my carbon footprint and experience how people traveled when flying was not common. I chose to travel to Cambridge by bike & ferry. On the return journey to Deggendorf I additionally used the train.

Approximate path that I took

Bike caravan – 2021 Aug

Dog in the bike caravan – 2021 Aug

Leaving a friend’s house – 2021 Aug

Presentation in Cambridge – 2021 Sep

During my trip I was searching for freedom but understood that I am actually already free in my cage at home.

Moving using train and bike#

Since 2013 I do not own a car and I hope I don’t have to in the future. Here are some of my experiments for moving goods between homes using my bike and the train.

Moving from Munich to Deggendorf 1

Moving from Munich to Deggendorf 2

Transporting a ski


I worked for five years in Deggendorf Institute of Technology, which is a Fachhochschule — a German higher education institution that focuses on professional education in applied sciences. The town Deggendorf has ~35000 inhabitants as of 2024 and was the smallest town that I lived before.

My first students – 2019 Oct

City market – 2019 Oct

Pecularities in a rural area – 2020 March

Electronics and computers#

Interning at Philips – 2010 Dec

Preparing a stack of FPGA boards for remote access during COVID – 2021 Feb

Stacks for a course on algorithm acceleration on FPGAs

A board for switching off TVs – 2009 Sep