Professional experience#

Assistant professor for software/systems development (research-focused)
Technical University of Denmark — Department of engineering technology and didactics 🔗
from Sep 2024 — Ballerup Denmark
  • Teaching courses in engineering and embedded design

  • Research in fault-tolerant and energy-efficient computing hardware

Professor for embedded and autonomous systems (teaching-focused)
Deggendorf Institute of Technology — Faculty of applied computer science 🔗
Sep 2019–Aug 2024 (5 years) — Deggendorf Germany
  • Taught a courses in informatics, from bioinformatics algorithms to FPGA programming

  • Attracted about 300 k€ through research grants

  • Acted as the faculty representative for academic partnerships and counselor for studying abroad

Research scientist
Siemens — Research group Security for Embedded Systems
Apr 2017–Mar 2019 (2 years) — Munich Germany
  • Integrated IP blocks into SoC FPGA-based network monitoring hardware

  • Designed an architecture for an FPGA-based cryptographic accelerator for OpenSSL

  • Researched on security of new FPGA-based processing architectures

Research scientist
University of Bremen — Research group Reliable Embedded Systems
Jan 2013–Nov 2016 (~4 years) — Bremen Germany
  • Researched on fault-tolerance techniques for digital circuits

  • Developed a tool for applying parity-based error detection on netlists

  • Developed a tool for error injection on technology netlists for fault-tolerance tests

Research scientist
DLR – German Aerospace Center — Department of Avionics Systems
Mar 2012–Mar 2015 (~3 years) — Bremen Germany
  • Developed FPGA-based digital circuits for a satellite computer

  • Developed a Makefile-based workflow automation frontend for different synthesis tools

  • Prepared an ESA research proposal on a new valve control system for Ariane 5

Intern for hardware design
Philips — Research group X-Ray Imaging Systems
Jun 2010–Feb 2012 (1 year 9 months) — Aachen Germany
  • Developed an FPGA-based 10 Gbit/s sensor data acquisition system

  • Designed and assembled high frequency PCBs

  • Evaluated POF transceivers and jitter cleaners for magnetic field environments


Doctor of Engineering
University of Bremen
Jan 2013–Aug 2017
Diplom in Computer engineering
RWTH Aachen University
Oct 2005–Feb 2012
Turkish high school diploma & German Abitur for foreigners
İstanbul Lisesi 🔗

İstanbul Lisesi is a high school supported by the German government. STEM lessons are taught by German teachers and the rest by Turkish.


AI safety fundamentals course participant
BlueDot Impact
Feb 2023–Apr 2023 (3 months)

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is one of the potential existential risks in the future. AGI safety research tries to mitigate the risks posed by advanced AI systems. This online course by BlueDot Impact involves weekly readings and discussions in a small group of ~five participants guided by a facilitator. The course ends with career suggestions and a capstone project.

Bike ride from Deggendorf to Cambridge
Aug 2021–Sep 2021 (1.5 months)

I was accepted as a participant in a three-week English course for professors at Bell Cambridge. Instead of flying I wanted to minimize my carbon footprint and experience how people traveled when flying was not common. I chose to travel to Cambridge by bike & ferry. On the return journey to Deggendorf I additionally used the train.

Visiting researcher
FPGA/Parallel Computing Lab, University of Southern California
Feb 2020 (1 month)

Prepared a research proposal about acceleration of machine learning algorithms using new FPGA architectures, which was declined in 2020. The revised version got accepted in 2023.

Berlin cohort participant
Entrepreneur First 🔗
Apr 2019–May 2019 (2 months)
  • Took part in the entrepreneurship program where you can find a co-founder and build your own company

  • Worked with different co-founders on ideas like efficient bioinformatics data processing, speech data analysis for large construction sites and robotics for hazardous environments


Energy-efficient and fault-tolerant reinforcement learning
July 2024–June 2027
  • Research grant of ~275 k€ by the Bavarian ministry for science and arts

  • Development of performance models for HBM-based FPGA/heterogeneous architectures

  • Improvement of energy-efficiency and fault-tolerance

Next-generation genomic data analysis for clinics and research
Oct 2020–Oct 2022
  • University-internal collaborative project grant of 40 k€

  • Acceleration of genomic data analysis algorithms using new FPGA architectures

  • Development of a user-friendly information retrieval system for oncologists

Reliable Computing on Many-core Processors
Jan 2020–Dec 2021
  • Travel grant of 8 k€

  • Continuation of my PhD work – scaling error detection-based fault-tolerance to many-core processors

  • Details

Volunteer work#

University sports Aachen and Bremen
2008–2012, 2013–2017

Gave weekly aquafitness classes for students and adults.

KaWo1 dormitory Aachen
  • Developed a microcontroller-based electronic washing machine reservation system for 450 residents. The system was operational for six years.

  • Installed and maintained IT infrastructure, repaired washing machines.

Roboterclub Aachen

Collaboratively built robots for the annual robotics contest Eurobot.


  • Turkish

  • German

  • English