
You can leave me 🗯️ anonymous feedback.

Available Hours#


For students: I do not offer any private doubt sessions. Please use the lab time.

Mail & Phone & Postal Address#


  • +49 991 3615 179

  • Dieter-Görlitz-Platz 1, 94469 Deggendorf

Office location#

My office is not on the campus but above Degg’s shopping center. Many people had problems finding the address. Please read the description carefully.

Use the Degg’s entrance at Veilchengasse 15-19 near the bike park. You will be at floor number 1. Walk two floors upstairs to the floor number 3. You should see the pink computer science faculty poster and the number 3 on the elevator doors. Now you will be confronted with a closed door that cannot be pushed unless you unlock the door using the gray push button. The door should be unlocked from 6:00 to 20:00 on weekdays. Now proceed to the room 2.21 or 2.16.

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